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Breeding Information Management System

BIMS is the Breeding Information Management System being developed for the Tripal Database Platform. It is led by  Mainlab Bioinformatics at Washington State University as part of the NIFA  NRSP10 and USDA SCRI Genome Database for Rosaceae projects.

Databases with BIMS implemented


One-day workshop at Annual RosBREED Participants Meeting, "Using GDR BIMS for Rosaceae Breeding: Training Workshop," East Lansing. March, 2019.

Half-day workshop “Using the Cottongen Breeding Information Management System for Cotton Improvement.”  2019 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 8-10, 2019, New Orleans, LA.

One-day workshop at Annual RosBREED Participants Meeting, "GDR BIMS (Breeding Information Management System) Training Workshop," East Lansing. March, 2018
