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NRSP10 activities at PAG 31 (01/02/24)

NRSP10 Training Workshop at PAG

NRSP10 Presentations at PAG:

Developing a New Crop Ontology for Blueberry (Nahla Bassil)

  • Session: Lessons Learned when Integrating New Technologies into Breeding
  • Location: Pacific H-I (2nd Floor)
  • Date: Friday, Jan 12 2:10 PM

GDR (Sook Jung for Dorrie Main):Developing a New Crop Ontology for Blueberry

  • Session: Fruit/Nuts
  • Location: Pacific E
  • Date: Saturday, Jan 13 8:41 AM

Building a Gene Family Framework on GDR - Best Practice for Gene Family Analysis in Non-Model Plant Species (Huiting Zhang)

  • Session: Fruit/Nuts
  • Location: Pacific E
  • Date: Saturday, Jan 13 9:01 AM

BIMS (Sook Jung)

  • Session: Tripal Database Network and Initiatives
  • Location: Town and Country D
  • Date: Saturday, Jan 13 4:38 PM

MapViewer (Katheryn Buble)

  • Session: Tripal Database Network and Initiatives
  • Location: Town and Country D
  • Date: Saturday, Jan 13 5:14 PM

New Data and Tools on the Citrus Genome Database (Jodi Humann)

  • Session: Citrus
  • Location: Pacific H-I (2nd Floor)
  • Date: Sunday, Jan 14 12:18 PM

CottonGen 2023: New Data and New Functionality to Enable Cotton Research Discovery and Crop Improvement (Jing Yu)

  • Session: Digital Tools and Resources Session 2
  • Location: Town and Country D
  • Date: Tuesday, Jan 16 12:00 PM

Breed With BIMS (Michael Itam)

  • Session: Digital Tools and Resources Session 4
  • Location: Town and Country D
  • Date: Wednesday, Jan 17 12:00 PM