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US Plant Breeding Capacity

The U.S. Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee (PBCC), in partnership with Mainlab Bioinformatics at Washington State University, is building on their recent national survey of plant breeding program capacity, needs, and future trends. Data from the survey was used to populate a state-by-state map of plant breeding programs, by showing which crops are being bred in each state (survey map).


We now invite those that missed the survey to add their programs to a new map.


Please register for a NRSP10 account and then complete the required PBCC Plant Breeding Capacity information after receiving the account approval email (more information).


Breeders are being contacted by email and asked to participate in this research in order to help us improve awareness of the current status and needs of U.S. plant breeders. Breeders  must be at least 18 years old to participate in this research. Participation is completely voluntary; breeders have the right to say no, or to change their mind at any time and withdraw. They may choose not to answer specific questions or to stop participating at any time. This community effort is supported by funding from USDA NIFA National Research Support Project 10, NSF PGRP Award #444573, and USDA SCRI Award #2014-51181-22376.